Gathering Around the TableOne of our goals is to bring others to the table for important conversations around AntiRacism. We know these conversations aren’t easy. That’s why we created a trio of templates for you to use as an invitation to bring the members of your various communities to the table to start these conversations and work towards dismantling racist policies and practices in your communities and replacing them with AntiRacist policies and practices.

Our trio of template letters are to hold your school, employer/organization, and community leaders accountable. These are templates. We emphasize, “templates“. Please modify them to suit your needs, goals, and comfort level. You know your school, place of employment, community, etc… better than we do. Make these templates your own. We’ve tried to include as many items that we think could be issues. As you customize these templates, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Read the template you want to use. Reflect on what you know and don’t know. Brainstorm issues. Is anything missing from the template? Anything on the template that doesn’t apply? What are your goals for using the template? Is the template consistent with your goal? Do you need to revise it? How is the tone or language usage? Rephrase as needed to make it feel like it’s yours. 
  • Take the time to identify the correct recipient. 
  • Consider sending your letter from a group. We strongly believe in the power of one, however, we recognize the significant work needed to push against longstanding practices. A group can be more impactful. If you are nervous about sending the letter, having others on board can help. Are there like minded people in the specific community? See if they want to join you. 
  • Does it make sense to meet with the recipient before sending the letter? Do you have outstanding questions about policies that can or should be answered first? 
  • Be creative–if you don’t have a child in public school you can still send a letter as a state tax payer… can you use one of the templates for another establishment/body?
  • After you’ve sent the letter, follow up! Schedule a meeting to discuss your letter and any next steps. 
  • Be prepared for silence, inaction, and even some minor hostility. Tackling these issues takes soul searching and facing hard truths. Not everyone is where you are. Not everyone is going to welcome change but that is why we persist. Change makers are here to do the hard work that is necessary to move us forward towards a more equitable, inclusive and AntiRacist America.




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